Wed. Night Drop-Ins – Model Railroading
Model Railroading “How To” Workshops
Weekly Wed. Evening Ongoing Drop-Ins – LETS TALK MODEL RAILROADING 101 – Time to get started the Easy Way!
Join us for Fun “Hands-On” Projects: Build Scale Warehouses, a Railway Tunnel, clean and install Trackwork, create Backdrop Painting and Ground Covers, etc.! Tie your railroad plans to 3D Printing!
$5.00 Drop-in Fee or Free with your $10 Monthly Membership!
*Please note that The Railroaders Team reserves the right to modify course contents and perhaps subsequent workshop dates.
Equipment: Included
Railroad Modeller

The photo above is a rebuild project of one of our early MakerSpace members, Allan Clark.
Allan is a longtime model railway hobbyist who scratch-builds most of his stuff. With this particular locomotive rebuild in the photo he is working with some of our MakerSpace members to “draw and print” a replacement “sand box” using one of our 3D printers. Welcome to the modern world railway man!
Allan was one of roughly 15 model railroaders who showed up Saturday, November 4 to see what our Oceanside Community MakerSpace was all about and how their home railroads can benefit from a membership at OCM. Allan has already found one way.
Another of our early Members, Jim Bennett helped organize Saturday’s event and is committed to making the new Oceanside Model Railroaders group a permanent fixture.
Whether you want to take out a membership and work on a layout here because there’s no space left at your house, or just learn more about working with our 3D printer team, or getting some advice on the electronics side… If you’re into model railroad building… contact
Read MoreModel Railway People
We had a very busy afternoon yesterday (Sat 4th Nov). Jim and Al invited Railway enthusiasts to come to the Space to see if they might find our facility of interest, may be even join, or better still, create a Special Interest Group with the OCM and create a Railway display that can be developed and added
to by a number of members, all sharing their individual skills. It’s a big step and another commitment, so it is still “in progress”. But, if you are a Model Railway person and would like to see what is being discussed, call Jim on 250-594-2893.
We also had a couple of other visitors, including Christina, Cait and Mike, and Lana and Aiden (Mum and Son), as well as all the usual members. Was good to see everyone there. Makes it a very active place, with a lot of smart people to talk to – nice to see Aiden (teen age).
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