Milestone – we have a Space
Right from the initial thinking period, I had a couple of places in mind for hosting the Makerspace. One was in Qualicum Commons (the old elementary school) as we have a BLT Munchkinland in there and I live in QB, so it would be easier for me to access and respond to emergencies. The other option was the ground floor of the McMillan Art Centre, which just happened to become available around the time BLT was informed of its Grant allocation. So, after 3 months of project prep work, we now have a signed tenancy agreement with the InclusionPV to use 133 McMillan Street (lower floor), Parksville, as the location for the Oceanside Community Makerspace. We get access from the 1 June 2017 and plan to have some kind of open day session at the same time as the McMillan Art Centre on Canada Day – 1 July.
The Project Starts
The idea to try to create a local Makerspace for the Qualicum and Parksville area had been brewing for a while, but in mid 2016, the call for proposals for a New Horizons For Seniors grant came out, funding that we have been successful in getting in the past. So, we decided to make the effort and developed
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